

J. Scott Smith

Don't look at me, not like that
With those eyes, those lips, that smile
That face that, no matter what
Brightens my day, makes me smile

Don't look at me, not that way
With years of us on your face
This love in the words you say
It makes this harder to face

Don't speak to me, not tonight
Of best friends that we've become
But not lovers, or not quite
For soon estranged we become

Don't embrace me, don't hold me
As you always want to do
Before you let go of me
Not with what I have to do

Don't cry now, I'm not so strong
To make my future farewell
For in your tears I belong
But there no future fares well

Don't restrain me, let me go
For though I know you don't know
Why, I do, and it is so
For how long? That I don't know

Don't, please don't; but do grant this
At the time when we must part
Free me with a lover's kiss
On my lips before they part

Don't release me until then
In my future fairly hell
When I turn and walk away
And say my future farewell

June 2012
Plain Text


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