


July 28, 2017 - Still not dead.

I am yet undead; however, I have been stricken with struggles that render writing stanzas of substance an arduous and tedious festval of failure. I consequently anticipate little more for this site until a solution might be manifest by miracle or medicine.

June 15, 2015 - Not dead.

Rumors of my death are, so far as I know, nonexistent. This site, on the other hand, has the blush (or lack thereof) of death about it. I often think "I should write something" and I will begin the process. The result so far? I think that's apparent.

December 18, 2013 - Re-settled.

I am back in Tennessee. After a 31 year sojourn, I am back to what is in one sense, home. Things aren't quite squared away yet, but the major bits are in place and all that remain are the myriad "little things" that will eventually get done — and yet somehow never be finished. A fresh work soon, I promise.


October 22, 2013 - Insurance.

In a few days I will pulling up roots and jumping 900 miles to the northeast. A couple of things to send to hosting, on the off chance there's a catastrophic loss in the move.


October 1, 2013 - Another dry spell.

There's not much to say, except there's been not much to say. It would seem my relocation to Texas left behind not only friends, but inspiration.


January 22, 2013 - The long dry spell.

Much has happened since I last wrote to you. I have moved from Ohio to Texas, started a new job, set up a new home. With work and the commute and the million little things... the pen has been idle. Things are settling down a bit, though, and I will try to convert some ideas to words shortly.


July 8, 2012 - New site structure.

This is the new home page, which serves as site news. Above there are three new menu options.

  • Poems & Stuff is the old 'Contents' menu item. Poems and stories are still under that menu.
  • To preserve links, the 'contents.php' file name was retained for poems and stories.
  • The new Commentary menu works just like the old 'Contents' menu, except it deals only with those items that are opinions and commentary.
  • The old home page is now the History page.


July 4, 2012 - Happy Birthday, America! (Two days late for you purists!)

Having found myself with a couple of hours to spare, I decided to implement a couple of minor changes to the site. Over on the right you'll notice Latest Updates is now split into two sections. The Creative section contains the familiar poems (mostly) works, while the new Commentary section will house opinion (mostly) works that I've never before bothered to publish.

Eventually the Contents page will reflect this same division.

Eventually, but not today.

Thank you for visiting!

I hope you enjoy reading my work in this online book format.


To read the material, select the one of the content options from the menu bar. The individual sections and titles will appear here, in this sidebar area. Simply click on a title to read it.

Latest Updates

Things have gone a bit silent, but that will change soon!

Poems & Stuff